Well its Saturday again and the weekend is usually when I cook up a batch of Crock Pot Chili. This recipe is an adaptation from "Williams Crock Pot Chili" in the "
McDougall Quick & Easy Cookbook".
Beans used in the Chili Recipe |
I start out with 5 cups of uncooked beans. 2 Cups Black Beans, 2 Cups Pinto Beans, and 1 Cup Red Beans.
Beans in the Pressure Cooker.
Add water 3 cups per 1 cup beans |
Put them in a Pressure cooker along with 3 cups of water for 1 cup of Dried Beans. 3:1 ratio. So at this point there should be 15 cups of water. I am using the biggest pressure cooker that I have.
Beans Cooking |
Once the Pressure cooker has reached presser and steam is coming out, the beans are cooked for 40 minutes.
While the beans are cooking in the pressure cooker it is time to start cutting up the peppers. From left to right we have:
1 Green Bell Pepper
1 Jalapeño Pepper
1 Red Bell Pepper
1 Anaheim Pepper
1 Pasilla Pepper
Fresh Peppers |
Peppers chopped in the Crock Pot |
The peppers are all chopped up and put in the crock pot. At this point in time, the Crock Pot is on high.
Next I add an Onion, and 6 cloves of Garlic. I chop these up and add them to the crock pot.
Some corn and Petite Diced Tomatoes (medium hotness) are added to the crock pot. I drain and wash the corn hoping to get most of the sodium off of it. Yes, I know, the sodium is also in the corn so washing it probably doesn't help that much....
I also like throwing a few carrots in the chili also. Around 2 cups of chopped carrots. I am the type of cook that will get a base recipe down and then modify it as I go. Once that I find something that I like, I then stick to it.
Chili mix so far before the spices have been added |
Chili Recipe spices: Smoked Paprika, Chili Powder, Cumin, Vegetable Broth, and Liquid Smoke |
Next I add the spices to the Chili mix:
2 Tbsp Smoked Paprika
1 Tbsp Chili Powder
1 tsp Cumin
2 Tbsp Vegetable broth (powdered)
2 Tbsp Liquid Smoke
It's at this point in the process of making the Chili right after I add the Smoked Paprika that my mouth begins to water.... Yum Yum...
Next I add:
2 Tbsp Red Wine Vinegar
2 Tbsp Honey
Chili mix with all spices. Beans haven't been added yet. |
And below is the chili after the beans have been rinsed and added to the crock pot. The crock pot is on high and the timer has been set for 8 hours. I don't know if I will cook it that long as I check it as its cooking. Some times it takes longer.